Poodra is one of five new micro kaiju figures Mark Nagata launched last year, under the new Monster Boogie banner. Large for micros they're around 3" tall. Poodra is a hefty little chunk of vinyl.
I took me a long time to warm to the sculpt. Just something about it wasn't clicking. It took me a couple test schemes before I settled on 'Happy Fun' Poodra here. My paintjob still lacked personality until I started on the pupils in his eyes. That finally sold the crazy mutant puppy for me.
Unusual too is that I avoided metallic and special effects paints. He's just covered in bright, bold monster color, and given a basic satin acrylic varnish.
The scheme is based on vague recollections of McDonald-Land commercials, and other 70's vestiges that slouched into my childhood, and seared themselves on my brain.
Take Poodra home, won't you? Thank you!
How can you resist a face like this?*
*(Stray cat hairs, and weird artifacting on his left eye, not included)
Update: SOLD!